Wednesday 12 February 2020

Life and Death

At the beginning of this week, as a psychotherapist, I was giving support to staff at an organisation where two members of staff had committed suicide within a few hours of each other. They had an affair, left their families, and moved in together. She was unstable and admitted herself to psychiatric hospital where she killed herself; he killed himself when he learnt this. I am sure this shocking tragedy would not have happened in a culture that supported open and multiple relationships and diverse styles of family life. Essentially, they were victims of toxic monogamy and a rigid model of what families are supposed to look like.

The next day, I spent the whole day at an Adjudication Panel with all the formality of barristers and clerks because someone at my former professional organisation UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) had the idea that I should have separate mobile phone numbers for my work with psychotherapy and with tantra. Both of which I have been doing for more than thirty years. At best this can be thought of as a rigidity of “how things should be” or an attempt to guard the boundaries of "pure" psychotherapy from contamination by other forms of growth, healing and change. If this was successful, it would be goodbye to Buddhist psychotherapy, yoga psychotherapy, shamanic psychotherapy and an end to the exciting developments in plant medicines like psilocybin for use in therapy. After several hours they decided that there was “No Case to Answer”!  😀🙏. This fiasco will have cost the organisation several thousands of pounds. I would advise any aspiring therapists to join the Independent Practitioners Network  instead.

Voluntary organisations are always vulnerable to being taken over by psychopaths and that happened in 2014 to my professional organisation for many years UKHAPP, which produced bizarre accusation against 13 of its most senior members. Click for details. The last few years we have seen how countries can be taken over by those with personality disorders such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson. Rigidity and lack of dialogue kills people and organisations. In a time of massive irreversible climate and ecological catastrophes giving rise to anxiety and despair, the role of psychotherapist is to empower people to turn dread and despair into heart-based community and action. Join Extinction Rebellion !

Psychotherapy continues to evolve and flourish and I hope my book on tantric psychotherapy will be available next year. My website is just a placeholder at the moment for my work in this area.